Containers at Scale with Kubernetes on OpenStack

24 minute read


Containers are a burning hot topic right now. Several open source technologies have come together to allow containers to be operated at scale and in the enterprise. In this article I will talk about these technologies and explain how to build container infrastructure at scale with OpenStack. There are three main components that come together to create container-based infrastructure: Red Hat Enterprise Linux Atomic Host (RHEL Atomic), Docker and Google's Kubernetes. RHEL Atomic provides an optimized operating system for running containers. Docker delivers container portability and a packaging standard. Kubernetes adds orchestration and management of Docker containers across a massively scalable cluster of RHEL Atomic hosts.


RHEL Atomic

RHEL Atomic is an optimized container operating system based on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 (RHEL 7). The name atomic refers to how updates are managed. RHEL Atomic does not use yum but rather OSTree for managing updates. Software updates are handled atomically across the entire system. Not only this but you can rollback to the systems previous state if the new upgraded state is for some reason not desired. The intention is to reduce risk during upgrades and make the entire process seamless. When we consider the density of containers vs virtual machines to be around 10X, upgrades and maintenance become that much more critical.

RHEL Atomic provides both Docker and Kubernetes. Underneath the hood it leverages SELinux (security), Cgroups (process isolation) and Namespaces (network isolation). It is an Operating System that is optimized to run containers. In addition RHEL Atomic provides enterprise features such as security, isolation, performance and management to the containerized world.


Docker is often a misused term when referring to containers. Docker is not a container, instead it is a platform for running containers. Docker provides a packaging format, tool-set and all the plumbing needed for running containers within a single host. Docker also provides a hub for sharing Docker images.

Docker images consist of a Base-OS and various layers that allow one to build an application stack (application and its dependencies). Docker images are immutable, you don't update them. Instead you create a new image by adding or making changes to the various layers. This is the future of application deployment and is not only more efficient but magnitudes faster than the traditional approach with virtual machines.

Red Hat is providing a docker repository for certified, tested, secure and supported Docker images similar to how RPMs are currently provided.

All Docker images run in a container and all the containers share the same Linux kernel, RHEL Atomic.


Kubernetes is an orchestration engine built around Docker. It allows administrators to manage Docker containers at scale across many physical or virtual hosts. Kubernetes has three main components: master, node or minion and pod.


The Kubernetes master is the control plane and provides several services. The scheduler handles placement of pods. It also provides a replication controller that ensures pods are replicated according to policy. The master also maintains the state of the cluster and relies on ETCD which is a distributed key/value store for those capabilities. Finally Restful APIs for performing operations on nodes, pods, replication controllers and services are provided by the Kubernetes master.


The Kubernetes node or minion as it is often referred to runs pods. Placement of pod on a Kubernetes node is as mentioned determined by the scheduler on the Kubernetes master. The Kubernetes node runs several important services: kubelet and kube-proxy. The kubelet is responsible for node level pod management. In addition Kubernetes allows for the creation of services that expose applications to the outside world. The kube-proxy is responsible for managing Kubernetes services within a node. Since pods are meant to be mortal, the idea behind services is providing an abstraction that lives independently of a pod.


The Kubernetes pod is one or more tightly coupled containers that are scheduled onto the same host. Containers within pods share some resources such as storage and networking. A pod provides a single unit of horizontal scaling and replication across the Kubernetes cluster.

Now that we have a good feel for the components involved it is time to sink our teeth into Kubernetes. First I would like to recognize two colleagues Sebastian Hetze and Scott Collier. I have used their initial work around Kubernetes configurations in this article as my basis.

Configure Kubernetes Nodes in OpenStack

Kubernetes nodes or minions can be deployed and configured automatically on OpenStack. If more compute power is required for our container infrastructure we simply need to deploy additional Kubernetes nodes. OpenStack is the perfect infrastructure for running containers at scale. Below are the steps required to deploy Kubernetes nodes on OpenStack.

  • Download the RHEL Atomic cloud image (QCOW2)
  • Add RHEL Atomic Cloud Image to Glance in OpenStack
  • Create atomic security group
#neutron security-group-create atomic --description "RHEL Atomic security group"
#neutron security-group-rule-create atomic --protocol tcp --port-range-min 10250 --port-range-max 10250 --direction ingress --remote-ip-prefix
#neutron security-group-rule-create atomic --protocol tcp --port-range-min 4001 --port-range-max 4001 --direction egress --remote-ip-prefix
#neutron security-group-rule-create atomic --protocol tcp --port-range-min 5000 --port-range-max 5000 --direction egress --remote-ip-prefix
#neutron security-group-rule-create --protocol icmp --direction ingress default
  • Create user-data to automate deployment using cloud-init
password: redhat
ssh_pwauth: True
chpasswd: { expire: False }

- ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQCfxcho9SipUCokS29C+AJNNLcrfpT4xsu9aErax3XSNThWbiJehUDufe86ZO4lqib4dekDEL6d7vBa3WlalzJaq/p/sy1xjYdRNE0vHQCxuWgG+NaL8KcxXDhrUa0UHMW8k8hw9xzOGaRx35LRP9+B0fq/W572XPWwEPRJo8WtSKFiqJZEBkai1IcF0CErj30d0/va9c3EYqkCEWbxuIRL+qoysH+MgFbs1jjjrvfJCLiZZo95MWp4nDrmxYNlmwMIvYrsRZfygeyYPiqVzO51gmGxcVRTbqgG0fSRVRHjUE3E4VfW9wm1qn8+rEc0iQB6ER0f6U/wtEAUmvd/g4Ef ktenzer@ktenzer.muc.csb

- content: | localhost localhost.localdomain localhost4 localhost4.localdomain4
::1 localhost localhost.localdomain localhost6 localhost6.localdomain6 atomic01 atomic02 atomic03 kubernetes
path: /etc/hosts
permissions: '0644'
owner: root:root
- content: |
# kubernetes system config
# The following values are used to configure various aspects of all
# kubernetes services, including
# kube-apiserver.service
# kube-controller-manager.service
# kube-scheduler.service
# kubelet.service
# kube-proxy.service

# Comma seperated list of nodes in the etcd cluster

# logging to stderr means we get it in the systemd journal

# journal message level, 0 is debug

# Should this cluster be allowed to run privleged docker containers
path: /etc/kubernetes/config
permissions: '0644'
owner: root:root
- content: |
# kubernetes kubelet (minion) config

# The address for the info server to serve on (set to or "" for all interfaces)

# The port for the info server to serve on

# You may leave this blank to use the actual hostname

# Add your own!
KUBELET_ARGS=--cluster_domain=kubernetes.local --cluster_dns=
path: /etc/kubernetes/kubelet
permissions: '0644'
owner: root:root
- content: |
# /etc/sysconfig/docker
# BLOCK_REGISTRY='--block-registry '
# INSECURE_REGISTRY='--insecure-registry'
# DOCKER_TMPDIR=/var/tmp
path: /etc/sysconfig/docker
permissions: '0644'
owner: root:root
- content: |
# Flanneld configuration options

# etcd url location. Point this to the server where etcd runs

# etcd config key. This is the configuration key that flannel queries
# For address range assignment

# Any additional options that you want to pass
path: /etc/sysconfig/flanneld
permissions: '0644'
owner: root:root
- content: |
path: /var/lib/kubelet/auth
permissions: '0644'
owner: root:root

- systemctl enable kube-proxy
- systemctl enable kubelet
- systemctl enable flanneld

- hostname -f >/etc/hostname
- hostname -i >>/etc/issue
- echo '' >>/etc/issue

final_message: "Cloud-init completed and the system is up, after $UPTIME seconds"
  • Boot RHEL Atomic instances using the 'nova boot' CLI command
#nova boot --flavor m1.small --poll --image Atomic_7_1 --key-name atomic-key --security-groups prod-base,atomic --user_data user-data-openstack --nic net-id=e3f370ab-b6ac-4788-a739-7f8de8631518 Atomic1
  • Associate floating-ip to the RHEL Atomic instance
#nova floating-ip-associate Atomic1

Of course you will want to update the cloud-init user-data as well as the CLI commands according to your environment. In this example I did not have DNS so I updated the /etc/hosts file directly but this step is not required. I also did not attach a Red Hat subscription something you would probably want to do using the 'runcmd' option in cloud-init.

Configure Kubernetes Master

Once Kubernetes nodes have been deployed we can configure the Kubernetes master. The Kubernetes master runs Kubernetes, Docker and ETCD services. In addition an overlay network is required. There are many options to create an overlay network, in this case we have chosen to use flannel to provide those capabilities. Finally for the base OS, a minimum install of a current RHEL-7 release is required.

  • Register host with subscription-manager
#subscription-manager register attach --pool=<pool id>
#subscription-manager repos --disable=*
#subscription-manager repos --enable=rhel-7-server-rpms
#subscription-manager repos --enable=rhel-7-server-extras-rpms
#subscription-manager repos --enable=rhel-7-server-optional-rpms
#yum -y update
  • Install required packages
#yum -y install docker docker-registry kubernetes flannel
  • Disable firewall
#systemctl stop firewalld
#systemctl disable firewalld
  • Enable required services
#for SERVICES in docker.service docker-registry etcd kube-apiserver kube-controller-manager kube-scheduler flanneld; do
 systemctl enable $SERVICES
  • Configure Docker
#vi /etc/sysconfig/docker
  •  Configure Kubernetes
#vi /etc/kubernetes/apiserver and set
#vi /etc/kubernetes/config and set
#vi /etc/kubernets/controller-manager and set
  • Configure Flannel
#vi /etc/sysconfig/flanneld and set
  • Start ETCD
#systemctl start etcd
  • Configure Flannel overlay network
#vi /root/flannel-config.json
 "Network": "",
 "SubnetLen": 24,
 "SubnetMin": "",
 "SubnetMax": "",
 "Backend": {
 "Type": "vxlan",
 "VNI": 1
curl -L -XPUT --data-urlencode value@/root/flannel-config.json
  • Load Docker Images
#systemctl start docker
#systemctl start docker-registry
#for IMAGES in rhel6 rhel7 fedora/apache; do
 docker pull $IMAGES
 docker tag $IMAGES$IMAGES
 docker push$IMAGES
  • Reboot host
systemctl reboot

Container Administration using Kubernetes

Kubernetes provides a CLI and a Restful API for management. Currently there is no GUI. In a future article I will go into detail about using the API in order to build your own UI or integrate Kubernetes in existing dashboards. For the purpose of this article we will focus on kubectl, the Kubernetes CLI.

Deploy an Application

In this example we will deploy an Apache web server pod. Before deploying a pod we must ensure that Kubernetes nodes (minions) are ready.

[root@kubernete ~]# kubectl get minions
NAME             LABELS STATUS <none> Ready <none> Ready <none> Ready

Next we need to create a JSON file for deploying a pod. The kubectl command uses JSON as input to make configuration updates and changes.

[root@kube-master ~]# vi apache-pod.json

[code language="java"]
"apiVersion": "v1beta1",
"desiredState": {
"manifest": {
"containers": [
"image": "fedora/apache",
"name": "my-fedora-apache",
"ports": [
"containerPort": 80,
"protocol": "TCP"
"id": "apache",
"restartPolicy": {
"always": {}
"version": "v1beta1",
"volumes": null
"id": "apache",
"kind": "Pod",
"labels": {
"name": "apache"
"namespace": "default"



[root@kube-master ~]# kubectl create -f apache-pod.json

We can now get the status of our newly created Apache pod.

[root@kubernetes ~]# kubectl get pods
POD    IP           CONTAINER(S)     IMAGE(S)      HOST              LABELS      STATUS
apache my-fedora-apache fedora/apache name=apache Running

Notice that the pod is running on The Kubernetes scheduler takes care of scheduling the pod on a node.

 Create Services

In Kubernetes services are used to provide external access to an application running in a pod. The idea is that since pods are mortal and transient in nature a service should provide abstraction so applications do not need to understand underlying pod or containers infrastructure. Services use the kube-proxy to access applications from any Kubernetes node configured as public IPs in the service itself. In the example below we are creating a service that will be available from all three of the Kubernetes nodes, and The pod is running on Similar to pods, services also requirec a JSON file as input to kubectl.

[root@kubernetes ~]# vi apache-service.json

[code language="java"]

   "apiVersion": "v1beta1",
   "containerPort": 80,
   "id": "frontend",
   "kind": "Service",
   "labels": {
      "name": "frontend"
   "port": 80,
   "publicIPs": [
   "selector": {
      "name": "apache"


[root@kube-master ~]# kubectl create -f apache-service.json

We can now get the status of our newly created apache-frontend service.

[root@kubernetes ~]# kubectl get services
NAME            LABELS               SELECTOR    IP            PORT
apache-frontend name=apache-frontend name=apache 80

As one would expect, we can access our Apache pod externally through any of our three Kubernetes nodes.

[root@kubernetes ~]# curl

Creating Replication Controllers

So far we have seen how to create a pod containing one or more containers and build a service to expose the application externally. If we want to scale our application horizontally however we need to create a replication controller. In Kubernetes replication controllers are pods that have a replication policy. Kubernetes will create multiple pods across the cluster and a pod is our base unit of scaling. In the example below we will create a replication controller for our Apache web server that will ensure three replicas. The same service we already created can be used but this time an Apache pod will be running on each Kubernetes node. In our previous example we only had one Apache web server on and though we could access it through any node it was done through the kube-proxy.

[root@kubernetes ~]# vi apache-replication-controller.json

[code language="java"]

"apiVersion": "v1beta1",
"desiredState": {
"podTemplate": {
"desiredState": {
"manifest": {
"containers": [
"image": "fedora/apache",
"name": "my-fedora-apache",
"ports": [
"containerPort": 80,
"hostPort": 80,
"protocol": "TCP"
"id": "apache",
"restartPolicy": {
"always": {}
"version": "v1beta1",
"volumes": null
"labels": {
"name": "apache"
"replicaSelector": {
"name": "apache"
"replicas": 3
"id": "apache-controller",
"kind": "ReplicationController",
"labels": {
"name": "apache"


[root@kube-master ~]# kubectl create -f apache-replication-controller.json

We can now get the status of our newly created Apache replication controller.

[root@kubernetes ~]# kubectl get replicationcontrollers
apache-controller my-fedora-apache fedora/apache name=apache 3

We can also see that the replication controller created three pods as expected.

[root@kubernetes ~]# kubectl get pods
POD                                  IP           CONTAINER(S)     IMAGE(S)      HOST                 LABELS      STATUS
fb9936f3-e21d-11e4-ad6e-000c295b1de9 my-fedora-apache fedora/apache name=apache Running
fb9acf1a-e21d-11e4-ad6e-000c295b1de9  my-fedora-apache fedora/apache name=apache Running
fb97a111-e21d-11e4-ad6e-000c295b1de9 my-fedora-apache fedora/apache name=apache Running


In this article we discussed the different components required to run application containers at scale: RHEL Atomic, Docker and Kubernetes. We also saw how to deploy Kubernetes RHEL Atomic nodes on OpenStack. Having scalable application containers means little if your infrastructure underneath cannot scale and that is why OpenStack should be key to any enterprise container strategy. Finally we went into a lot of detail on how to configure Kubernetes pods, services and replication controllers. Running application containers at scale in the enterprise is a lot more than just Docker. It has only been until very recently that these best-of-breed open source technologies have come together and allowed such wonderful possibilities. This is a very exciting time, containers will change everything about how we deploy, run and manage our applications. Hopefully you found this article interesting and useful. If you have any feedback I would really like to hear it, please share.

Happy Containerizing!

(c) 2015 Keith Tenzer